Love for Life
90 days to a healthier, happier RelationSHIP® with 12 Proven Practices for Fulfilling Love
What could this programme do for you?
“You haven’t got anything to lose with this... it’s positive and beautiful and empowering... but until you try it, you don’t know, so if your other half is skeptical, just ask them to trust you... it’s well worth the investment.”
“Every week I was blown away. Every week I learnt something new about how we communicate with each other, how we can be more present with each other, how we can avoid the four icebergs that are detrimental to our relationship. This should be imperative for anyone who’s going to be in a relationship... Had we done this, we would never have had the pain and trauma we had before... This is life changing. Everybody... every human being, regardless of relationship status, should take this programme. That’s how I feel. I love it!”
“Relationship coaching has filled me with positivity. I woke up singing. It’s really powerful - visioning is about alignment - you align towards what’s important to you.”
“Cathy is a wondrous, beautiful, magnetic, magical person… she is intuitive and has designed a very powerful, meaningful course that will change people’s lives 100% for the better.”
“It’s like someone finally telling me the alphabet of a language I’ve been speaking for a long time. Suddenly intimacy becomes very clear.”
“I was in a place where I was struggling to find the positives in my relationship… I found it really helpful to work through how I could deal with things differently … this knowledge has greatly increased my own happiness and improved my relationship.”
“Cathy is so incredibly talented at literally drawing out of you what’s already inside - things about your hopes and dreams, things that help give you perspective and change the way you do life... now every decision I make is with my end goals in mind. On top of all this, Cathy is an outstanding artist. Her art work speaks for itself but these two talents combined will make your encounter with Cathy a very powerful experience and will mean that you will have something beautiful to remind you of yourself, your priorities and vision for generations to come.”

Love for Life...
The RelationSHIP® Method: 12 Proven Practices for a Fulfilling Relationship.
Have you been with your partner for years and feel like you’re in a slump, stuck in a rut, where you just can’t connect? You try to start a conversation or spend time together, but it doesn’t go the way you imagine. There’s something blocking the love and intimacy and you’re not sure what it is or how to turn a corner.
Making things work is so much more possible than you may have realised. You can finally get your relationship back on course with 12 proven practices for long-term love, so you'll have:
Courage to turn things around
Freedom from old patterns of conflict
New ways to connect and feel cherished
The RelationSHIP® Method knits couples back together stronger than ever. When you and your partner commit fully to this programme, you'll have a healthier, happier relationship within 90 days or less, feeling closer and more lovingly connected.
90 days to Fulfilling Love using The RelationSHIP® Method
WELCOME: free coaching session
Our first short session together will help us get to know one another and understand exactly what you, as an individual and couple, need and want most from coaching.
PART ONE: how deep is your love?
What is Love? What makes a good RelationSHIP? How can Science help us love for a lifetime? You’ll take a confidential self-assessment of your Relationship Strengths and Challenges and get clear on your coaching goals.
PART TWO: strengthen your friendship
The five planks of FriendSHIP. Why responding is essential for bonding and how empathy unlocks the door into each other’s worlds.
PART THREE: fill your treasure chests
Find out what your Love Currency is and if you’re filling your partner’s treasure chest. How can Affection and Admiration turn everything around? What does it mean to Treasure your time together?
PART FOUR: relationship survival skills
How can you avoid the Four Relationship Killers? What are the antidotes that melt the Icebergs of Criticism, Defensiveness, Contempt and Emotional Disengagement?
PART FIVE: how to solve problems
How to Heal your relationship wounds and avoid creating new ones, Solve the problems that can be solved, stay Open to turning conflict into deeper connection and explore Intimacy and erotic intelligence-the wind in the sails of your relationship.
PART SIX: your relationship vision
Discover your Purpose – create a clear vision for your relationship and Navigate your way to Happily-Ever-Island together.
ONGOING COACHING: when you need it most
We will spend two weeks on each part of the programme over the next 12 weeks so that in 90 days you feel confident that you’ll begin to master the 12 RelationSHIP® Practices, as we explore them & respond to whatever you need. When you select the £777 option, you receive two additional private coaching sessions to use throughout the year when you need them most.
Love for Life includes:
As soon as you enrol, you’ll gain access to your course hub where you’ll receive 38 short videos supported by a 60 page LoveGuide full of practical ways to apply the RelationSHIP® Practices, with spaces for you to write and share your answers with your partner. You’ll have ongoing access to all the videos, so you can refresh your skills as often as you like.
Our private “Safe Harbour” sessions will help you pinpoint what’s great and where the gaps are in your relationship. Our group Zoom calls will focus on one or two practices each week and how to implement them effectively into your relationship, to feel closer and happier than ever, so you know exactly what to do to turn things around, reconnect & create a fulfilling life together.

Simple skills like:
The Happy Hundred
Discover how
True Love is Created in 100 Tiny Choices
Join me for just 90 Days to Strengthen and Deepen Your Relationship…
…exploring 12 RelationSHIP® Practices, proven by science over the past five decades. Through private and group coaching, practical tools and online resources, you’ll:
… build a strong relationship, that bring more meaning and purpose into your lives
… get unstuck, even when it seems impossible
… deal with emotional storms and problems that feel overwhelming
…. turn conflict into intimacy
… feel more loved and make your partner feel loved too
… recognise the four “RelationSHIP® Icebergs” and melt them before they destroy love
… live with more passion and resilience
… create the love you want in your life.
… so your relationship can thrive and you can live with purpose, happiness and fulfilment.
Create more love, joy and intimacy in your life together.
… by practical tools, mindset shifts and habits of heart that change everything, so you’ll know exactly what to do when you’re stuck, (even if it seems impossible). My husband calls it “Relationship by Numbers” because it works! There are:
FOUR RelationSHIP® Icebergs to avoid to keep your partnership afloat
THREE skillsets that make love thrive
TWO mindsets: one that strengthens, and one that weakens love.
ONE habit-of-heart above all else that allows your relationship to thrive.
What you’ll learn in this programme will leave you hopeful, confident and clear that you can create the kind of love that lasts a lifetime. You’ll have ongoing support, directly with me, so that you can apply the skills to your unique situation. The programme includes:
* Weekly LIVE Zoom calls: learn the 12 practices with your partner, from the comfort of your own home, in a way that interactive and fun, while maintaining your privacy.
* 38 on demand videos so you can quickly get advice for whatever issue you’re facing, in the moment.
* A beautiful LoveGuide pdf, full of practical ways to apply the RelationSHIP® Method.
Drop me an email cathy@cathygarner.com if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to knowing you better, as you learn the Practices to Love for Life.
PS. Did I mention the bonuses?
Join today and receive over £1000 of bonuses (plus your relationship back on course: priceless!)
Bonus 1: Private Coaching
“Safe Harbour” sessions: Start and end the programme with private, personalised coaching tailored to you and your partner, to identify your current relationship strengths, challenges, focus areas, and future needs.
Worth £400
Bonus 2: RelationSHIP MOT - 12-step relationship health check
A comprehensive relationship health check to identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring you integrate and embed positive habits.
Worth £55
Bonus 3: Your RelationSHIP® Vision
You’ll receive my full Visioning Programme - an online, on-demand, course with more than a dozen visioning exercise to help you and your partner know each other better than ever before. By week 12 you’ll be ready to commission your bonus digital vision portrait - a beautiful image of you and your partner, written in the words of your shared vision!
Worth £600