See Your Future Clearly

“Working with Cathy gave me so much more than I expected. Her coaching helped me see my future more clearly than I have ever seen it before and she delivered a beautiful drawing to capture this clarity.”

30 Days to...

…delve deep into your future, your dreams, your story, your values, your purpose…

...Your Vision !


Portrait Masterclass

What are your dreams for life and love? How do you want to share your story? or make sure you live life fully?

Join me for a 4-week Vision Portrait Masterclass, where we’ll create your vision for the future, and you’ll leave at the end of the process with a digital or hand-drawn portrait. created in your own words.

Tell your story of the challenges you've faced and overcome

Find your purpose in life - both your inner and outer purpose

Explore your dreams and hopes for your relationship and family

Envision your life’s work, your aspirations for growth, progress & leaving your legacy. 

As you see your words looking back at you through your own eyes, those words become powerful, and you will find it easier to realise your dreams and go beyond goals to fully express your vision for the future.


Create Your Portrait...

In four weeks, starting WEDNESDAY 28 JULY

9-10pm Europe CET; 8-9pm London BST; 1-2pm MDT; 12-1 Pacific time.

WHAT DO YOU DREAM? Week One: Explore your story. Vision exercise 1. Dreams and desires & 2. Wisdom from the future.

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WHAT DO YOU VALUE? Week Two: What do you really value and how does that shape your life? Vision exercise 3. Your values & 4. Your True Purpose.

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WHAT’S YOUR TRUE PURPOSE? Week Three: Go deep into your true purpose on the planet. What are you here for right now? Vision exercise 5. Your vision board.

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CREATING YOUR PORTRAIT. Week Four: Take your dreams, desires, values and purpose and craft a beautiful portrait of your face - see your vision and identity align. Vision Exercise 6: Create your Portrait.


When you book, you’ll receive access to an interactive online course with videos on the visioning exercises that will help you delve deep and discover your vision for the future.

You’ll also receive guidance on simple ways to create a digital or hand-drawn vision portrait of yourself, in your own words (or you can ask Cathy to create your beautiful hand-drawn portrait for you - additional cost).

Having that vision portrait in front of me every day helps my subconscious remember this new vision… it has changed my life enormously.
— Nancy
Working with Cathy gave me so much more than I ever expected. Her coaching helped me see my future more clearly than I have ever seen it before and she delivered a beautiful drawing to capture this clarity.
— Judit
There are no words to describe the coaching as well as the incredible piece of art we received, reflecting on our vision and dreams together as a couple.
— Mel and Rob

As well as gaining confidence and multiple promotions in a year, this couple lost several kg after talking about their weight loss vision.


“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”

Abraham Lincoln


Your vision for life and love: Ken, Heather and Nancy share their vision portraits.

Interviews with people living with dementia whose legacy portrait I created as part of an exhibition called ‘Ordinary Lives; Inspirational Voices’

George Floyd’s Portrait, written in the names of hundreds of lives, brutally cut short; Lives that Mattered.